A healthy diet is essential for preserving and enhancing health. A healthy, well- balanced diet supplies the vital nutrients required for.
What years are the most important for growth and development?
The initial three years of life are a crucial time for growth as well as development. Infants and toddlers require a high amount of restful sleep, active play, and appropriately sized, nutritious meals in order to sustain their growth and development.

One of the finest ways to set a baby up for lifetime health is to feed them breast milk. The composition of breast milk is 87% water, 1% protein, 4% lipids, and 7% carbohydrates.
For around the first six months of life, breast milk can meet an infant’s nutritional needs, with the possible exception of iron and vitamin D.
In numerous countries, breastfeeding rates are still low despite the advantages of breast milk. Only 37% of babies worldwide between the ages of 0 and 6 months are exclusively breastfed, with the highest number (47%) among babies
Breastfeeding encourages an intense emotional connection between mother and child through the release of a substance called (the “bonding hormone”), while also providing a baby with the optimal nutrition, including vital antibodies and nutrients that protect them from diseases, promote proper development and growth, and can lower the risk of various health issues like ear infections, obesity, and SIDS.

At what age can children have Complementary food?
To supplement breast milk or infant formula, nutrient-dense, developmentally appropriate foods should be introduced to infants around six months of age.
Although it is not advised to introduce supplemental foods to infants before the age of four months, some may exhibit developmental indicators of readiness before the age of six months. It is also not advisable to wait until six months to introduce foods because, beginning at that time, complementary foods are required to guarantee proper nutrition and exposure to a variety of flavors, textures, and food kinds.

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